
Probate First Person


In the case of the first death for a married couple (or civil partnership) the probate issues tend to be minimal. However, any assets (not held jointly), over the £5000.00 limit set by the probate service will be frozen until a Grant of Probate is achieved. The main issues facing the surviving spouse tend to be related to the other formalities. Things such as dealing with property deeds, life assurance policies, the cancellation or the name transfer of bills and services and pension issues. Unfortunately, if these issues are not dealt with swiftly, they can cause emotional and financial distress on top of what is already the most difficult time in most people’s life.

We will deal with the first probate case of any spouse or civil partner on your behalf leaving you to get on with other things.

Price includes Probate Registry Fee of £155 (£215 for people who choose DIY)

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