

Along with our legal services and end of life planning we are now proud to offer Dignity Funeral Plans. We are your one-stop-shop for all your end of life needs.

Probate Specialist Ltd has teamed up with Dignity Funerals to offer our clients what we believe is the best funeral plan in the UK. Don’t take our word for it. Dignity Funeral Plans are Defaqto 5-star rated. Our authorisation number is IFA1267ND

Compare Our Prepaid Funeral Plans

Limited Plan

£3.095 or from £ 21.47 /pm

Amber Plan

£3,495 or from £23.57/pm

Pearl Plan

£3,850 or from £25.44/pm

Diamond Plan

£4,195 or from £27.25/pm

As Seen on TV Watch Arranging a Funeral With Dignity

Feefo Reviews

4.7/5 based on Customer Feedback

Quick Payment

100% secure payment



5 Star Rate Funeral Plans

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Probate Specialist

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