
DIY Conveyancing

Understanding the Pitfalls of doing DIY Conveyancing.

Doing DIY Conveyancing

We sometimes get asked whether people can do their own conveyancing. The short answer is yes you can. However, if you are considering doing some DIY conveyancing, it’s very important to be aware of a few things.


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    What's Involved?

    There is a lot more to the conveyancing process than just completing and sending in forms. Very often, there are also searches and other formal enquiries to be carried out before a transaction can take place safely. If these aren’t done properly, or if they’re not done at all, then big problems can arise after a transaction has happened. For example, someone other than the current owner might have an existing interest in the property that might only come to light afterward.

    Also, depending on the type of transaction, there can be quite a lot of legal and financial aspects that will need to be covered in the preparation of the documents. These may not be part of the standard forms.


     If you’re a DIY conveyancer, all parties involved may have to get their identities verified before an application can be made to the Land Registry to register the transaction. If you’re using a specialist, such as Probate Specialist Limited, we will take care of this.

    If the transaction involves a mortgage, it’s almost certain that the lender will insist that a solicitor is used for the conveyancing.

    If you do your own conveyancing and something goes wrong, then normally you’ll have no cover. If you use a professional conveyancer, you’ll be covered by their professional insurance.

    This is why the vast majority of land transactions are handled by professional conveyancers, like solicitors.

    You can call free on 0808 188 9008 or you can call us on 0207 965 7568 local call charges apply 

    Probate Specialist Limited, 5th Floor, 167-169 Great Portland Street, Marylebone London, W1W 5PF

    Probate Specialist Limited 126, High Street , Marlborough SN8 1LZ

    For general email purposes you can email email@probatespecialistltd.co.uk or london@probatespecialistltd.co.uk

    You can also email your specialist directly on specialistname@probatespecialistltd.co.uk

    Probate Specialist Limited, The Office, 21 Ferozeshah Road, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 2JQ

    Company Number: 13015149

    ICO Reg Number ZA807624

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