Probate FAQs
Applying for probate can be a Stressfull and Exhausting task, but our specialists are here to make it feel simple. In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know about going through probate and dealing with someone’s estate.
- PART 1
What is probate?
Probate (short for “grant of probate”) is a legal document that shows banks, the Land Registry, and other organisations that you have the authority to deal with someone’s estate. The process of getting probate usually takes 1-3 months.

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What is the Meaning of Probate?
Probate is the process of proving that a Will is valid and confirming the Executor’s authority to administer the estate of a person who has died. Although Probate actually relates to an Estate where a Will was made, even if there was no Will, a similar process will still be followed and this is most often referred to as Probate as well.
It depends on the value and contents of the Estate of the deceased you are administering as to whether you need to get probate or not. Usually, if there is a property, a large shareholding, or cash assets of more than £25,000 you will need to obtain probate. For more information see our guide. What is probate?
What do I do if I can’t find the Will or there isn’t one?
If you cannot find a Will in any of the paperwork at the property, you should speak to other family members or loved ones to see if it was left with them.
You could also contact any local Solicitors that were used by the person who died to see if they have any records of a Will being made or in fact have the Will.
Some companies will offer Will searches for a fee. We do not offer this service.
You can also check with the Probate Service to see if a Will has been registered there by writing to the Principal Probate Registry in London. If you find a Will, it will need to be sent to the Executors.
We have the Will, but where do we start?
Firstly, the Executors of the Estate are named in the Will. There can be one Executor or a number of Executors named in the Will. The Executors need to decide if they wish to act in their role as Executor or appoint a professional instead. If not appointing a professional then it may be more preferable for just one of the Executors to take the lead.
As an Executor, you should obtain a certificate outlining the cause of death, start to arrange the funeral and register the death. Once the funeral has taken place, you should have more time to think about whether you want to get Probate for the estate yourself or to engage someone to do this for you.
Solicitors usually offer a Probate service, but sometimes base their quotation for the work on an hourly rate basis and or a percentage of the total value of the estate. We offer a fixed fee Probate quotation which does not include a percentage of the total value of the estate, this could save you thousands of pounds in fees. Our Probate fees are simply based on the complexity of the work involved to administer the estate from start to finish. See our Complete Probate Service for details. We will do as much or as little work that you require. You save at least 50% compared with the average cost of Probate Services.
Do I have to act as Executor if I am named in the Will?
No, you do not have to act as an Executor. You have two options. Your first option is to give up all rights to act as Executor as long as you have taken no steps in relation to the estate administration. Your other option, if there are other Executors named in the Will, is to choose to have ‘power reserved’. This allows the other Executors to act but you can apply to ‘join in’ the Probate process later on if you want to or need to.
As an Executor am I legally responsible if things go wrong?
When you act as an Executor you are expected to act reasonably and act in the best interests of the estate and its beneficiaries. This could involve getting a fair price for any of the assets being sold, also ensuring that relevant insurance is in place to protect any property or assets and to ensure that all Inheritance Tax (IHT) owed is paid prior to the distribution of the estate.
We advise to advertise the death in line with specific statutory procedure. This allows anyone who is owed any money by the estate to be paid in full. If you don’t do this, you could be become liable if someone makes claim against the estate after it has been distributed.
Someone may also dispute the Will. This could be to question whether the Will is valid, produce a newer Will that you are in possession of, or make financial claims from the estate. You should always take independent legal advice on your position if this happens.
What is a Grant of Probate?
A Grant of Probate is the document that is issued to you by the Probate Registry. The document confirms your right to administer the deceased person’s estate. This includes cashing the estates’ assets selling assets such as a house and distributing funds or assets as outlined in the Will.
What is a Personal Representative?
A personal representative is another name for someone who is an Executor or if there is no Will, The personal representative is the person who has the legal authority to administer the estate.
How do I know if I have to get Probate?
This usually depends on the value of the estate and whether there is property such as a house or land included. If there are only cash assets, you may not need Probate. You should check with the individual financial institutions where the cash assets are held as their threshold for probate may be as low as £5,000 or as high as £50,000.
How do I know if I have to pay Inheritance Tax?
Inheritance Tax is usually payable for estates worth over £325,000. The value of an Estate is reached once all the debts have been paid and if this is over £325,000 you will usually have to pay Inheritance Tax. Remember though, that there are certain exemptions and reliefs from Inheritance Tax. We will know if you are allowed to claim these.
In addition, if more than 10% of the estate is gifted to charity, the Inheritance Tax rate can be reduced from 40% to 36%. These figures are accurate as of March 2016 and are subject to change by the UK Government.
How long will Probate take?
Probate can often take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. It could take longer if the estate is complicated. Probate does require some laborious and highly detailed administration work. The quickest Probate we have completed took only 4 weeks from start to finish.
Is the Probate process the same in England, Wales and Scotland?
The law in England and Wales is different from that of Scotland, and consequently, the process for Probate in Scotland is also different. We do not offer our services in Scotland.
What should I do with items gifted in the Will to beneficiaries who have died?
Some gifts will simply lapse if a beneficiary died before they could benefit from the Will and the gift will join the ‘residue’ (anything left over after the gifts are given) of the estate. However, there are some complex rules around this so it is advisable to get expert legal advice on this if this is the case.
You can call free on 0808 188 9008 or you can call us on 0207 965 7568 local call charges apply
Probate Specialist Limited, 5th Floor, 167-169 Great Portland Street, Marylebone London, W1W 5PF
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Probate Specialist Limited, The Office, 21 Ferozeshah Road, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 2JQ
Company Number: 13015149
ICO Reg Number ZA807624
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