Will Search

Step 1

Review Required Documents

Please ensure that you have read what documents are required before attempting to complete the form.

Step 2

Read Our Privacy Policy

To complete the form you must agree to our Privacy Policy. It is therefore better to read it first.

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Step 3

Complete The Form

Answer all the required questions and upload documents where required on the form.

Documents Required

Please review this information before completing the form.

If the testator is now deceased, we will require an official copy of a Death Certificate. 

To comply with the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations 2017 (MLRs) and the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019. To provide you information about a ‘Will’ or Codicil stored with us you will need to provide a minimum of two forms of ID. 

Proof of identity checklist for individuals

You cannot use one form of identification for both name and address.

For example, if you provide your driving licence as proof of your name you must provide another form of identification for your address, such as a utility bill.

Category One (Proof of name)

You will need at least one, government-issued ID, such as,

Current signed passport

Current UK or EEA driving licence  (but Provisional driving licence not accepted)

Original birth certificate (UK birth certificate issued within 12 months of the date of birth in full form including those issued by UK authorities overseas such as Embassies High Commissions and HM Forces).

EEA member state identity card (which can also be used as evidence of address if it carries this)

Full old-style driving licence,

Photographic registration cards for self-employed individuals in the construction industry -CIS4

Benefit book or original notification letter from Benefits Agency.

Firearms or shotgun certificate.

Residence permit issued by the Home Office to EEA nationals on sight of own country passport.

National identity card bearing a photograph of the applicant.

Category Two (Proof of Address)

Secondary ID Documents require your name and address these include items such as,

Current UK driving licence (but only if not used for the name evidence)

Local authority council tax bill for the current council tax year.

Bank, Building Society or Credit Union statement or passbook dated within the last three months

Original mortgage statement from a recognised lender issued for the last full year

Utility bill (gas, electric, satellite television, landline phone bill) issued within the last three months

Solicitors letter within the last three months confirming recent house purchase or land registry confirmation of address.

Council or housing association rent card or tenancy agreement for the current year

Benefit book or original notification letter from Benefits Agency (but not if used as proof of name)

HMRC self-assessment letters or tax demand dated within the current financial year.

Electoral Register entry
NHS Medical card or letter of confirmation from GP’s practice of registration with the surgery

Documents we will not accept include, but are not limited to
  • Provisional driving licence
  • Mobile phone bills
  • Credit card statement

 We certify documents for AML purposes. Other places that certify for AML purposes include.

  • Post Office Verification Service.
  • Bank or Building Society official;
  • Solicitor,
  • Accountant;
  • Doctor or Dentist;
  • Councillor;
  • Religious Minister;
  • Teacher or Lecturer;

Charges may apply.

You will have to provide all ID documents as per executor documents as above, as if you are an Executor. 

Additional Documents Required

If an executor has died, you will need to provide the death certificate for that executor.

If the Executor has resigned their role as an Executor, we will need to see the executed deed of renunciation (PA15)

Complete the Form

Will Search
  • About The Testator
  • About You
  • Legal Notice & Submission
0% Complete
1 of 3
A Testator, is the person who the 'Will' belongs to.
Must be in 8 digit format as the example above.
Not required but helpful in a search.
Has the testator died?
Are you the Testator?
Please stop completing this form We are sorry, but we are not allowed to give you any information, please contact the Testator directly.
Please stop completing this form and contact us on 0808 188 9008
Must be in 8 digit format as the example above.

Maximum file size: 50MB

Allowed File Types: JPG, PNG or PDF

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