
Need to apply for Probate?

Navigate the complexities of probate with our specialist probate team. Our friendly experts will work on your case to obtain a certified grant of probate and calculate any income or inheritance tax liabilities where appropriate. Our probate service starts at just £575 for simple estates under £325,000 in value. For grant only probate or grant only letters of administration.

There is no need to attend offices or courts or fill out forms, you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. Compared to the average cost of dealing with probate in the UK, we’re around 80% cheaper.  Ask about our Price Promise.


5 out of 10 clients pay this price
£ 575 Prices from inc VAT
  • This price usually applies if:
  • All assets are in the UK
  • Total estate value is under £325,000 (or left to a spouse)
  • Gifts of no more than £150,000 were given in last 7 years
  • Based on IHT205 form

*Please note any marital status


4 out of 10 clients pay this price
£ 699 Prices from inc VAT
  • This price usually applies if:
  • All assets are in the UK
  • Total estate value up to £650,000 (or left to a spouse)
  • Gifts of no more than £150,000 were given in last 7 years
  • Based on IHT205 & IHT 217 forms

*Please note married or widowed only.


1 out of 10 clients pays this price
£ 999 Prices from inc VAT
  • This price usually applies if:
  • Where there are overseas assets
  • Total estate value is over £650,000 (and not left to surviving spouse)
  • Gifts worth more than £150,000 were given in the last 7 years
  • Based on IHT400 and Schedules

*Please note any marital status

Get an instant online quote for grant only probate for your circumstances

Types of Probate Cases We Deal With

Pursuant to the “Inheritance Tax Act 1984” and “The Non-Contentious Probate (Amendment) Rules 2020”

What’s included in general?

Our probate fees cover everything from preparing your application to getting your grant sent out in the post. This includes:

What isn’t included?


Application for Grant of Representation meaning either a Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration completed via the *Probate Registry Portal. When there is no Inheritance Tax to pay. This is often called an exempt estate and is typical in estates where the assets are less than £325,000 in value.

Our Price £479.16 VAT £95.83 Total £575

Tax Document(s) Submission. IHT205 or IHT207

Typical Usage: This is used when the first spouse in a marriage or civil partnership dies and the total of the estate is below £325,000 or where the second spouse in a marriage or civil partnership dies and the total estate does not exceed £325,000 total.

Please Note: The client is to provide all information regarding the date of death and the balances of assets and liabilities.

The fixed fee includes the completion of the IHT205 and drafting of the Oath/Statement of Truth, arranging execution and submission to the Probate Registry and then liaising with the Probate Registry to obtain the Grant


Probate Registry Fee £273 (Non optional)

Copies of Grant £1.50 Each (optional)

Please note: The finalising of any Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax payable is usually dealt with by the deceased’s accountant or outsourced to an accountant if the deceased did not have one and is not included in our prices.

*Please note that not all case types can be put through the Probate Registry Portal and will require a paper case. Paper cases are charged £200 extra. For 100% certainty call us on 0808 188 9008 to determine if your case can be put through the Probate Registry Portal.

Application for Grant of Representation meaning either a Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration completed via the *Probate Registry Portal.

Our Price £582.50 VAT  £116.50 Total £699.00

Tax Document(s) Submission. IHT205 or IHT207 and IHT217

Typical Usage: This is used when the second spouse in a marriage or civil partnership dies and the total of the estate is below £650,000 total and none of the allowances have been used in their death and there is a requirement to transferable nil rate band (TNRB)

Please Note: Client is to provide all information regarding the date of death and the balances of assets and liabilities.

Client is also to provide information about the estate of the first to die in order to claim the transferable nil rate band. Please note if a Grant of Representation has been completed in relation to the first spouse to die, we can obtain these records for you at a cost of £50.00

The fixed fee includes the completion of the IHT205 or IHT207 and IHT217 and drafting of the Oath/Statement of Truth, arranging execution and submission to the Probate Registry and then liaising with the Probate Registry to obtain the Grant


Probate Registry Fee £273 (Non-optional)

Copies of Grant £1.50 Each (optional)

Obtaining Grant Records of Representation for First Spouse £50.00

Please note: The finalising of any Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax payable is usually dealt with by the deceased’s accountant or outsourced to an accountant if the deceased did not have one and is not included in our prices.

*Please note that not all case types can be put through the Probate Registry Portal and will require a paper case. Paper cases are charged £200 extra. For 100% certainty call us on 0808 188 9008 to determine if your case can be put through the Probate Registry Portal.

Application for Grant of Representation meaning either a Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration, where the estate is potentially taxable or other items in the estate require us to complete IHT400 and related schedules.

Our Price From £832.50 VAT £166.50 Total £999.00

Includes: Application for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration
Preparation and Submission of IHT400 and schedules. Please note if the estate has to pay Inheritance Tax (IHT) further charges will apply.

Please Note: The client is to provide all information regarding the date of death and the balances of assets and liabilities or information relating to the death of the 1st spouse or civil partner, this is required to be able to obtain transferable nil rate band (TNRB) and or transferable residential nil rate band. (TRNRB)

The fixed fee also includes the completion of the IHT400 and related schedules and arranging the signature of the Account, to liaising with the deceased’s bank and the executors to oversee the payment of the IHT, or assistance in obtaining funding for a loan to be able to pay HMRC. We also liaise with HMRC to obtain the necessary clearance receipt from HMRC to drafting the Oath/Statement of Truth and submitting the application via the Probate Registry Portal to liaising with the Probate Registry to obtain the Grant.

Please note that this type of estate takes an absolute minimum of 5 weeks longer due to its complexity and having to wait for HMRC to release the estate. 

Disbursements: Probate Registry Fee £273 Copies £1.50

Please note: The finalising of any Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax payable is usually dealt with by the deceased’s accountant or outsourced to an accountant if the deceased did not have one and is not included in our prices.

If you are in any doubt please call 0808 188 9008 for a free quote today.

Would you prefer full administration?

Free Special Delivery

Enclosed SAE for all document collections

100% secure payment

Pay By App

Fully Inclusive Fee

VAT Inclusive

7am -11pm Support

Call Free 0808 188 9008


Once you are our client, you can book your probate questionnaire call for an appointment at your convenience from 7am-11pm weekdays and 9am – 5pm weekends. (Calls take between 15 minutes and 60 minutes ).

Following a questionnaire call, and your approval of what information we have gathered. we can complete the IHT forms within 5 business days. Once signed by you we can submit them to HMRC. The processing time is typically 20 business days from receipt however this is not guaranteed for the release of the estate.



How do we compare to solicitor fees on the high street?

On average, it costs about £2,700 to deal with someone’s estate in the UK. By using our grant only service and sorting out the estate admin yourself, you can save as much as 80% in unnecessary solicitor fees.

Here are the top three ways we help you save money:

Fixed Fee Quote

We don’t believe in charging on an hourly or percentage basis, so we always offer a fixed-fee quote upfront. This helps make sure there are no hidden costs or surprises to our clients during your probate application.

Transparent Service

Probate fees are often higher on the high street because people end up being sold full estate administration. We offer this service too, but we understand that most people just need help getting the grant.

Case Management

Our probate specialists handle everything over the phone for you and deal with all the paperwork on your behalf. This means there’s no need to travel to your local probate registry to swear an oath.

Our Team Are Ready! 7 Days A Week

UK's leading team of experienced and knowledgeable lawyers.

National coverage throughout England & Wales.

Buy online

We are so transparent on prices, we now offer a new webshop where you can look through the different packages in your own time whilst relaxing at home. Avoid all the stress and hassle of going from company to company having to fill out numerous forms and then getting spammed with lots of emails and receiving numerous phone calls just to get a price. (We never spam).


Start Probate Online

Provide a small amount of information and we will get back to you at the time you requested.

Start Probate Online
Did the deceased leave a will? *
Did the deceased own a property? *
Did the deceased live in England or Wales? *
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Probate Specialist

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