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London Appointments & Postal Address

5th Floor, 167-169 Great Portland Street, Marylebone London W1W 5PF

Phone: 0207 965 7568


At the London office, we take all types of correspondence such as invoices or letters.  Physical visitors by appointment only.  

Registered Office Address

126 High Street Marlborough Wiltshire SN8 1LZ

Phone: 0808 188 9008 


Documents relating to companies house and legal notices such as HMRC corporation tax and value-added tax (VAT). No physical visitors. 

Sunday: Lines Open 9am to 5pm.  No physical visitors 

Monday: Lines Open 8am to 10pm.  No physical visitors 

Tuesday: Lines Open 8am to 10pm.  Physical visitors by appointment only from 9am to 5pm  Call: 0808 188 9008 to book an appointment.

Wednesday: Lines Open 8am to 10pm.  Physical visitors by appointment only from 9am to 5pm  Call: 0808 188 9008 to book an appointment.

Thursday: Lines Open 8am to 10pm.  Physical visitors by appointment only from 9am to 5pm  Call: 0808 188 9008 to book an appointment.

Friday: Lines Open 8am to 5pm.  Physical visitors by appointment only from 9am to 5pm  Call: 0808 188 9008 to book an appointment.

Saturday: Lines open 9am to 5pm. No physical visitors 

Sorry we are closed, we need to rest. Answer machine facility available. So leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

You can also email us at info@psl.group

Secondary Postal Address

The Office, 21 Ferozeshah Road, Northfields, Devizes SN10 2JQ

Phone: 01380 718199


All types of correspondence such as invoices or letters. No physical visitors.

Probate starting at £575

What you can expect from us
Fully Inclusive Fixed Fee Prices. We pride ourselves on providing professional services at competitive fixed rates with no hidden extras.

Expert Probate Specialists
All our specialists work to the highest sector standards, closely monitored by solicitors who are independently regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA).

Some Of Our Services


Transparent fully inclusive prices what you see is what you pay. we offer a 5- business day submission for inheritance tax. and a 2 -business day submission to the probate registry.

Wills & Trusts

All of our wills are fully witnessed by us. Simple video conference means no more visits to solicitors’ offices. Our solicitors will ensure your will is legally binding. 

Power of attorney

We will complete on your behalf both financial power of attorney and health & welfare.  Completed from the comfort of your own home. All power of attorney are fully checked by solicitors and include all fees.




We undertake all types of conveyancing. such as transferring property following a death. Or simply because you are moving home. 


We all know how long it takes to get through probate. Do you need some of your inheritance now? We have teamed up with Tower Street Finance to offer beneficiaries the chance to get up to 60% of their inheritance now. 

Inheritance Advance

If you are an executor or administrator who cannot pay the estate inheritance tax bill you cannot get through probate. We have teamed up with Tower Street Finance to offer executors or administrators an easy way to get through probate. 

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Probate Specialist

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