Client & Specialist Contact
This company policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus and how this policy affects our specialists working directly with our clients during the time of coronavirus (COVID-19).
All our specialists who have contact with our clients will be working from home via telephone and email at this time. Please understand that there may be background noises such as children or pets that you would not normally hear in an office environment. Telephone calls may also be made by company issued mobile phones; this will not have our company caller identification when the call is made. Should you be unsure that you are talking to one of our specialists at that time then please hang up and call our office phone number 0800 8611 891 to confirm that it is us that is calling you.
Meetings in Client’s Home
We should avoid meetings where possible in our client’s homes, alternative meetings can be made by phone, video meetings can also be made via Zoom. Zoom is free web based video conferencing software. You can download the software for Windows & Mac here. For Zoom on mobile devices you can download it from either the Apple Store or on Android devices from the Google Play store.
Where meetings in the home cannot be avoided, our specialist will ask a number of questions prior to the meeting to determine if it is safe to carry out such a meeting. We assure you that we will always treat your private health and personal data with high confidentiality and sensitivity. Should it be deemed that a meeting would be safe then our specialists will wear a facemask, gloves and will carry hand sanitizer with them. We ask that meetings are still held at a safe distance even in the clients’ home.
Collecting and Sending Documents
Should we need important documents from you and can avoid a home meeting these documents will be collected by courier service and any documents that will need to be returned to you will be sent by Secure Mail.
This coronavirus (COVID-19) company policy is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines.
Employee Policy
You are kindly requested to follow all these rules diligently, to sustain a healthy and safe workplace in this unique environment. It’s important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions. We assure you that we will always treat your private health and personal data with high confidentiality and sensitivity.
This coronavirus (COVID-19) company policy is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines. If so, we will update you as soon as possible by email.
This coronavirus policy applies to all of our employees who physically work in our office(s). We strongly recommend to our remote working specialists to read through this action plan as well, to ensure we collectively and uniformly respond to this challenge.
Policy elements
Here, we outline the required actions employees should take to protect themselves and their co-workers from a potential coronavirus infection.
Sick leave arrangements:
• If you have cold symptoms, such as cough/sneezing/fever, or feel poorly, request sick leave or work from home.
• If you have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, you can return to the office only after you’ve fully recovered, with a doctor’s note confirming your recovery.
Work from home requests:
• If you are feeling ill, but you are able to work, you can request to work from home.
• If you have recently returned from areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases (based on CDC announcements), we’ll ask you to work from home for 14 calendar days, and return to the office only if you are fully asymptomatic. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
• If you’ve been in close contact with someone infected by COVID-19, with high chances of being infected yourself, request work from home. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
• If you’re a parent and you have to stay at home with your children, request work from home. Follow up with your manager or departmental leader to make arrangements and set expectations.
• If you need to provide care to a family member infected by COVID-19, request work from home. You’ll only be permitted to return to the office 14 calendar days after your family member has fully recovered, provided that you’re asymptomatic or you have a doctor’s note confirming you don’t have the virus. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
Traveling/commuting measures:
• All work trips and events – both domestic and international – will be cancelled/postponed until further notice.
• In-person meetings should be done virtually where possible, especially with non-company parties (e.g. client meetings).