
Probate Specialist can assist you whether your requirement is to find a troublesome individual missing beneficiary, or if you need a probate genealogist to provide the complete solution to an intestacy case.

You will find our service capable, highly-motivated and above all else adaptable while we complete the probate research. We have the tools to ease your administrative headaches when it comes to the task of supplying dozens of beneficiaries with their share of an estate. Rest assured that we are happy to supply beneficiaries’ details in a format that dovetails neatly with your own computer system. In addition, when we complete an intestacy task, we will supply a family tree and an editable spreadsheet detailing each person’s fractional entitlement, and indicating how much each beneficiary should receive, based on a figure for the residue that you are free to edit. We know from feedback that this feature provides, at the very least, an extremely useful second pair of eyes to double-check your own calculations.

If missing beneficiary insurance is required then we can arrange this also.

We are flexible regarding pay structure and are able to work with you to establish a form of payment that is acceptable. We are prepared to work at an hourly rate or on a capped fixed-price basis, following an initial assessment of the task in hand.

Probate Specialist carries professional indemnity insurance.

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Probate Specialist

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